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Life-Reviving idea of the day: The Therapeutic Power of a 20-Minute Walk, “Fertilizer” For Your Brain

 People fail to realize that there are several primitive forms of therapy within our reach, or rather hands touch, one of which is a walk. What is perhaps one of the simplest of human exercises, is such a powerful tool for our minds and bodies. A routine 20-minutes’ walk – which many people might consider as a mere form of exercise, has the capacity to act as a ‘fertilizer’ to one’s brain; in that it helps activate and nourish human cerebral cortex and facilitate overall health in a manner that may be quite surprising.


The Science of Walking: More Than Just Exercise


Indeed, walking, let alone, walking quickly can be much more than a regular way of getting from one place to another. It is a form of treatment that people’s bodies and souls respond to. The studies have revealed that walking enhances the recovery process by enhancing circulation of blood of all the body parts. This increase in blood circulation brings the oxygen and nutrients required by your muscles and organs especially in your brain hence boosting up their function and rate of repair.


Walking and Longevity: The 6,000 Steps Solution


Of all the effects of walking for health, the one that would be an epitome of all the others would be the effect on life expectancy. A study saw that as little as 6,000 steps a day is associated with a 45% reduction in all-cause mortality. They are merely suggesting that they could lower their risk of death from any cause – and that includes cardiovascular disease, stroke and other related ailments – merely through the addition of sporadic walking into their lifestyle.


But why 6,000 steps? This number denotes that activity has started to truly make a difference in the quality of life of people. It is a goal everyone can reasonably accomplish in a day by walking to and from work, going shopping, or just taking a casual walk.


Cognitive Boost: Walking as “Fertilizer” for the Brain


So, fast walking is not only good for your body but has great effects on the biggest organ on your body, the brain. When you walk, you produce Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), a protein known as the ‘fertilizer’ for your brain. BDNF is known to be involved in the process of neuron growth and repair, which is known as neuroplasticity in response to experience or learning.


In particular, increased neuroplasticity may improve such aspects of the brain as cognition, memory and even level of emotional coping. This is therefore an indication that even a simple walk for twenty minutes is adequate in relieving stress and yes even for enhancing of brain creativity and to an equal measure achieving solutions to the problems.


 Mental Health Benefits: Walking as Therapy


In addition to the mechanical advantages in locomotion and brain health, walking is a mental health intervention. The following signs of anxiety and depression have been proved to be eased by regular walking. The mere action of getting up and literally ‘stepping forward’ can improve one’s outlook, ease one’s tension and improve one’s overall mood.


It has been found that walking especially in nature has been associated with reduced levels of negative thinking, increased subjective well-being among other benefits. The rush of fresh air, the pleasant view and the physical exercise involved generates a sort of an aura that helps one to clear one’s mind and start over again.


How to Incorporate Walking into Your Life


Routine walking does not necessarily entail very many hours per day or a special gear to get started. Here are some simple ways to integrate walking into your day


  1. Morning Walks: Take at least a 20 minutes walk around your neighborhood or any nearby park in the morning. It is very effective as a way of waking the body and the mind up.


  1. Lunchtime Strolls: During the working day find some time to walk, it can be without leaving the office. They should be able to clear your head and make you ready or what lies ahead of you.


  1. Evening Wind-Down: A walk at night is useful when coming from work because it assists in helping one to relax and go to the next phase of the day.


  1. Walk and Talk: Rather than have a meeting or a call, stand up while you converse or even better, walk. It makes discussions more liberal and open to ideas because everybody is using their imagination in presenting the information.


 Conclusion: The Underrated Power of Walking


In an era of looking for the next new and shiny concept in health and wellbeing, walking is in a class of its own as a form of therapy that is simple and useful for so many people. For better and longer life, for increased energy and strength, to enhance your brain functions and your psychological state, a twenty-minute walk is one of the power solutions.


Hiking or a simple walk may be the solution to all your stress, being stuck, or if you just need a breather. When thinking about fitness, it is not only about making changes and taking an action; it’s more about the process of the improvement of the quality of your life through exercising.

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